
  • Do you feel like the years are speeding by ever faster?

  • Is the world passing you by and leaving you behind?

  • Do you eagerly consume stories of folks in their 80s and 90s in a desperate search for examples that prove age won’t hold you back?

Me too! Isn’t it awful.

Thankfully you now have thoughtsfromthesofa.com to offer a helping hand. Here you will find impractical lifestyle advice, badly researched and hopelessly biased commentary on politics and current affairs, and reviews of anything and everything that helps get me through the day. It probably won’t help, but at least it offers a bit of escapism from the ravages of daily life.

The name, Thoughts from the Sofa, seems appropriate, since my sofa is where I spend a lot of my time these days. I appreciate that the chance of a real human actually finding and reading the site is slim, but maybe some AI web scraper tool will pick up my musings and build them in to a future AI training model. While I’m not a fan of big corporates taking other people’s stuff for free, at least it might give me my own small slice of immortality.

If by some chance some human does find and read all my stuff then be warned: it comes with no guarantees regarding factual accuracy, genuine insight, or even correct grammar and punctuation. Your only hope is that it is entertaining enough to bring a smile to the lip, a joyful tear to the eye, or in some other way brighten up your day.

Happy reading!